EFAMRO welcomes, Psyma, Rait & Norstat

Welcome Psyma, Rait and Norstat

Corporate Sponsor:

“Psyma is a leading Germany based MR institute with offices in 10 countries and conducting research in 40 countries every year. We are involved in all relevant market research associations because they create the framework conditions for our industry. Therefore, it is important to support their word. It is an honour to be the first sponsor of EFAMRO.”

New Members:

Rait: “As a leading independent full-service market research company in Sweden, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, we’re committed to staying at the forefront of industry trends and best practices. By joining EFAMRO, we expect to gain access to valuable resources, networking opportunities, and the latest industry insights. We look forward to collaborating with other members, sharing our expertise, and learning from the best.”

Nortsat: “Norstat is delighted to become the EFAMRO representatives in Sweden. EFAMRO is playing an important role in the European market research industry and we look forward to continue our contribution to the welfare of the industry, now also directly via EFAMRO”.

EFAMRO has launched NEW Corporate Member and Sponsorship packages. EFAMRO is a unique community of European research associations that represents the interest of market, social and opinion research and data analytics in Europe.

Both packages are an opportunity for organisations that undertake data intelligence and research to engage in a wider community across Europe.

EFAMRO Sponsorship

The NEW EFAMRO Sponsorship packages are exclusively for businesses which are members of EFAMRO associations.
With the Sponsorship package, organisations get the opportunity to sponsor EFAMRO activities and to be involved and keep up to date with the latest European policy developments. Sponsorship enables businesses to have a stronger voice responding to European legislative changes which affect their business.
EFAMRO is also part of the Global Research Business Network (GRBN), which enables sponsorship partners to plug into a wider global network which covers Asia, Africa, the Americas as well as Europe.
EFAMRO offers three tiers of membership: Gold, Silver or Bronze.
The opportunities include:
  • Sponsors logo, corporate copy (100 words) with a hyperlink on the EFAMRO website – sponsors feature alongside all the latest EFAMRO’s news and policy updates.
  • Website advertising – sponsors have the opportunity to feature their businesses via banner advertisement on the EFAMRO website.
  • EFAMRO newsletters – sponsors can also feature in the EFAMRO newsletters which are issued three times a year to all EFAMRO members plus subscribed contracts.
  • EFAMRO Monitoring Reports – sponsors can advertise in the EFAMRO Monitoring Reports which are issued twice a month to all EFAMRO members. The EFAMRO Monitoring Reports are full of the latest EU policy news and developments. EFAMRO can also assist sponsors in issuing the EFAMRO Monitoring Reports to client lists to reinforce sponsor’s links and support of EFAMRO and to demonstrate sponsor’s awareness of all the latest European policy developments and news.
If you are interested in becoming an EFAMRO Sponsor, please contact: info@efamro.eu

EFAMRO Corporate Members

EFAMRO is aware that there are some markets in Europe that do not have national associations, which means that businesses in these markets can struggle to be heard. To address these challenges EFMARO has introduced a NEW EFAMRO membership, EFAMRO Corporate Membership;
By becoming an EFAMRO Corporate Member organisations get the opportunity to:
  • keep informed of the latest European policy developments
  • contribute their views on European policies affecting their business
  • help shape EFAMRO’s representations to policy makers across the European institutions
  • meet likeminded professionals from across Europe to help to build business networks
  • contribute to EFAMRO’s management and strategy
  • EFAMRO Corporate Membership benefits include:
  • EFAMRO knowledge and content
  • Copies of the bi-monthly EFAMRO Monitoring Reports with all the latest EU policy news and developments
  • Copies of EFAMRO newsletters with the latest member news
  • Access to EFAMRO’s legal and ethical advice service
  • Access to EFAMRO’s guidance notes and reports
  • Ability to shape consultation responses by EFAMRO on behalf of the European sector
  • Participation in the EFAMRO Moodindicator which measures businesses sentiment across Europe
  • EFAMRO Community and Governance
  • Access to EFAMRO members’ meetings and Open Days
  • Opportunity to serve on the EFAMRO Executive
  • Vote at EFAMRO meetings helping to shape EFAMRO’s strategic direction

If you are interested in becoming an EFAMRO Corporate Member, please contact: info@efamro.eu

EFAMRO Open Meeting

EFAMRO held a successful Open Meeting on 13 February 2023. EFAMRO members discussed the Cost-of-Living and inflation across Europe and the effect on research and insight across different European markets. The meeting discussed in particular the approach associations are taking to alleviate the pressures of the cost-of-living on the industry. The U.K, discussed at length measures taken to support the industry, including:

  • Improving commissioner’s approach to procuring research services including contractual terms for inflation
  • Reviewing staff benefits and options for expanding offerings
  • Fair and livable wages for all staff, including interviews
  • Structuring pay, benefits and allowances to contribute to increased living costs
  • Communication approaches including being transparent about financial responses

These recommendations provided food-for-thought to associations – more details can be found in the Meeting Minutes (which is provided to members).